Chapter 1 – Scope of Application
Article 1
1 . This Convention shall apply to every contract for the carriage of goods by road in vehicles for reward, when the place of taking over of the goods and the place designated for delivery, as specified in the contract, are situated in two different countries, of which at least one is a contracting country, irrespective of the place of residence and the nationality of the parties.
2 . For the purpose of this Convention, “vehicles” means motor vehicles, articulated vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers as defined in article 4 of the Convention on Road Traffic dated 19 September 1949.
3 . This Convention shall apply also where carriage coming within its scope is carried out by States or by governmental institutions or organizations.
4 . This Convention shall not apply:
(a) To carriage performed under the terms of any international postal convention;
(b) To funeral consignments;
(c) To furniture removal.
5 . The Contracting Parties agree not to vary any of the provisions of this Convention by special agreements between two or more of them, except to make it inapplicable to their frontier traffic or to authorize the use in transport operations entirely confined to their territory of consignment notes representing a title to the goods.
Article 2
l. Where the vehicle containing the goods is carried over part of the journey by sea, rail, inland waterways or air, and, except where the provisions of article 14 are applicable, the goods are not unloaded from the vehicle, this Convention shall nevertheless apply to the whole of the carriage. Provided that to the extent it is proved that any loss, damage or delay in delivery of the goods which occurs during the carriage by the other means of transport was not caused by act or omission of the carrier by road, but by some event which could only occurred in the course of and by reason of the carriage by that other means of transport, the liability of the carrier by road shall be determined not by this convention but in the manner in which the liability of the carrier by the other means of transport would have been determined if a contract for the carriage the goods alone had been made by the sender with the carrier by the other means of transport in accordance with the conditions prescribed by law for the carriage of goods by that means of transport. If, however, there are no such prescribed conditions, the liability of the carrier by road shall be determined by this convention.
2 . If the carrier by road is also himself the carrier by the other means of transport, his liability shall also be determined in accordance with the provisions paragraph 1 of this article, but as if, in his capacities as carrier by road and carrier by the other means of transport, he were two separate persons.
Chapter II – Persons for whom the Carrier is Responsible
Article 3
For the purposes of this Convention the carrier shall be responsible for the acts of omissions of his agents and servants and of any other persons of whose services he makes use for the performance of the carriage, when such agents, servants or other persons are acting within the scope of their employment, as if such acts or omissions were his own.
Chapter III – Conclusion and Performance of the Contract of Carriage
Article 4
The contract of carriage shall be confirmed by the making out of a consignment note. The absence, irregularity or loss of the consignment note shall not affect the existence or the validity of the contract of carriage which shall remain subject the provisions of this Convention.
Article 5
1 . The consignment note shall be made out in three original copies signed by the sender and by the carrier. These signatures may be printed or replaced by the stamps of the sender and the carrier if the law of the country in which the consignment note has been made out so permits. The first copy shall be handed to the sender, the second shall accompany the goods and the third shall be retained by the carrier.
2 . When the goods which are to be carried have to be loaded in different vehicles, or are of different kinds or are divided into different lots, the sender or the carrier shall have the right to require a separate consignment note to be made out for each vehicle used, or for each kind or lot of goods.
Article 6
1 . The consignment note shall contain the following particulars:
(a) The date of the consignment note and the place at which it is made out;
(b) The name and address of the sender;
(c) The name and address of the carrier;
(d) The place and the date of taking over of the goods and the place designated for delivery;
(e) The name and address of the consignee;
(f) The description in common use of the nature of the goods and the method of packing, and, in the case of dangerous goods, their generally recognized description;
(g) The number of packages and their special marks and numbers;
(h) The gross weight of the goods or their quantity otherwise expressed;
(i) Charges relating to the carriage (carriage charges, supplementary charges, customs duties and other charges incurred from the making of the contract to the time of delivery);
(j) The requisite instructions for Customs and other formalities;
(k) A statement that the carriage is subject, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary, to the provisions of this Convention.
2 . Where applicable, the consignment note shall also contain the following particulars:
(a) A statement that trans-shipment is not allowed;
(b) Then charges which the sender undertakes to pay;
(c) The amount of “cash on delivery” charges;
(d) A declaration of the value of the goods and the amount representing special interest in delivery;
(e) The sender’s instructions to the carrier regarding insurance of the goods;
(f) The agreed time limit within which the carriage is to be carried out;
(g) A list of the documents handed to the carrier.
3 . The parties may enter in the consignment note any other particulars which they may deem useful.
Article 7
1 . The sender shall be responsible for all expenses, loss and damage sustained by the carrier by reason of the inaccuracy or inadequacy of:
(a) The particulars specified in article 6, paragraph 1, (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (j);
(b) The particular specified in article 6, paragraph 2;
(c) Any other particulars or instructions given by him to enable the consignment note to be made out or for the purpose of their being entered therein.
2 . If, at the request of the sender, the carrier enters in the consignment note the particulars referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, he shall be deemed, unless the contrary is proved, to have done so on behalf of the sender.
3 . If the consignment note does not contain the statement specified in article 6, paragraph 1 (k), the carrier shall be liable for all expenses, loss and damage sustained through such omission by the person entitled to dispose of the goods.
Article 8
1 . On taking over the goods, the carrier shall check:
(a) The accuracy of the statements in the consignment note as to the number of packages and their marks and numbers, and
(b) The apparent condition of the goods and their packaging.
2 . Where the carrier has no reasonable means of checking the accuracy of e statements referred to in paragraph 1 (a) of this article, he shall enter his reservations in the consignment note together with the grounds on which they are based. He shall likewise specify the grounds for any reservations which he makes with regard to the apparent condition of the goods and their packaging, such reservations shall not bind the sender unless he has expressly agreed to be bound by them in the consignment note.
3 . The sender shall be entitled to require the carrier to check the gross weight the goods or their quantity otherwise expressed. He may also require the contents of the packages to be checked. The carrier shall be entitled to claim the cost of such checking. The result of the checks shall be entered in the consignment note.
Article 9
1 . The consignment note shall be prima facie evidence of the making of the contract of carriage, the conditions of the contract and the receipt of the goods by the carrier.
2 . If the consignment note contains no specific reservations by the carrier, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that the goods and their packaging appeared to be in good condition when the carrier took them over and that the number of packages, their marks and numbers corresponded with the statements in the consignment note.
Article 10
The sender shall be liable to the carrier for damage to persons, equipment or other goods, and for any expenses due to defective packing of the goods, unless the defect was apparent or known to the carrier at the time when he took over the goods and he made no reservations concerning it.
Article 11
1 . For the purposes of the Customs or other formalities which have to be completed before delivery of the goods, the sender shall attach the necessary documents to the consignment note or place them at the disposal of the carrier and shall furnish him with all the information which he requires.
2 . The carrier shall not be under any duty to enquire into either the accuracy or the adequacy of such documents and information. The sender shall be liable to the carrier for any damage caused by the absence, inadequacy or irregularity of such documents and information, except in the case of some wrongful act or neglect on the part of the carrier.
3 . The liability of the carrier for the consequences arising from the loss or incorrect use of the documents specified in and accompanying the consignment note or deposited with the carrier shall be that of an agent, provided that the compensation payable by the carrier shall not exceed that payable in the event of loss of the goods.
Article 12
1 . The sender has the right to dispose of the goods, in particular by asking the carrier to stop the goods in transit, to change the place at which delivery is to take place or to deliver the goods to a consignee other than the consignee indicated in the consignment note.
2 . This right shall cease to exist when the second copy of the consignment note is handed to the consignee or when the consignee exercises his right under article 13, paragraph 1; from that time onwards the carrier shall obey the orders of the consignee.
3 . The consignee shall, however, have the right of disposal from the time when the consignment note is drawn up, if the sender makes an entry to that effect in the consignment note.
4 . If in exercising his right of disposal the consignee has ordered the delivery of the goods to another person, that other person shall not be entitled to name other consignees.
5 . The exercise of the right of disposal shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) That the sender or, in the case referred to in paragraph 3 of this article, the consignee who wishes to exercise the right produces the first copy of the consignment note on which the new instructions to the carrier have been entered and indemnifies the carrier against all expenses, loss and damage involved in carrying out such instructions;
(b) That the carrying out of such instructions is possible at the time when the instructions reach the person who is to carry them out and does not either interfere with the normal working of the carriers’ undertaking or prejudice the senders or consignees of other consignments;
(c) That the instructions do not result in a division of the consignment.
6 . When, by reason of the provisions of paragraph 5 (b) of this article, the carrier cannot carry out the instructions which he receives, he shall immediately notify the person who gave him such instructions.
7 . A carrier who has not carried out the instructions given under the conditions provided for in this article or who has carried them out without requiring the first copy of the consignment note to be produced, shall be liable to the person entitled to make a claim for any loss or damage caused thereby.
Article 13
1 . After arrival of the goods at the place designated for delivery, the consignee shall be entitled to require the carrier to deliver to him, against a receipt, the second copy of the consignment note and the goods. If the loss of the goods established or if the goods have not arrived after the expiry of the period provided for in article 19, the consignee shall be entitled to enforce in his own name against the carrier any rights arising from the contract of carriage.
2 . The consignee who avails himself of the rights granted to him under paragraph 1 of this article shall pay the charges shown to be due on the consignment note, but in the event of dispute on this matter the carrier shall not be required to deliver the goods unless security has been furnished by the consignee.
Article 14
1 . If for any reason it is or becomes impossible to carry out the contract in accordance with the terms laid down in the consignment note before the goods reach the place designated for delivery, the carrier shall ask for instructions from the person entitled to dispose of the goods in accordance with the provisions of article 12.
2 . Nevertheless, if circumstances are such as to allow the carriage to be carried out under conditions differing from those laid down in the consignment note and if the carrier has been unable to obtain instructions in reasonable time the person entitled to dispose of the goods in accordance with the provisions of article 12, he shall take such steps as seem to him to be in the best interests the person entitled to dispose of the goods
Article 15
1 . Where circumstances prevent delivery of the goods after their arrival at the place designated for delivery, the carrier shall ask the sender for his instructions. If the consignee refuses the goods the sender shall be entitled to dispose of them without being obliged to produce the first copy of the consignment note.
2 . Even if he has refused the goods, the consignee may nevertheless require delivery so long as the carrier has not received instructions to the contrary from the sender.
3 . When circumstances preventing delivery of the goods arise after the consignee, in exercise of his rights under article 12, paragraph 3, has given an order for the goods to be delivered to another person, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall apply as if the consignee were the sender and that other person were the consignee.
Article 16
1 . The carrier shall be entitled to recover the cost of his request for instructions and any expenses entailed in carrying out such instructions, unless such expenses were caused by the wrongful act or neglect of the carrier.
2 . In the cases referred to in article 14, paragraph 1, and in article 15, the carrier may immediately unload the goods for account of the person entitled to dispose of them and thereupon the carriage shall be deemed to be at an end. The carrier shall then hold the goods on behalf of the person so entitled. He may, however, entrust them to a third party, and in that case he shall not be under any liability except for the exercise of reasonable care in the choice of such third party. The charges due under the consignment note and all other expenses shall remain chargeable against the goods.
3 . The carrier may sell the goods, without awaiting instructions from the person entitled to dispose of them, if the goods are perishable or their condition warrants such a course, or when the storage expenses would be out of proportion to the value of the goods. He may also proceed to the sale of the goods in other cases if after the expiry of a reasonable period he has not received from the person entitled to dispose of the goods instructions to the contrary which he may reasonably be required to carry out.
4 . If the goods have been sold pursuant to this article, the proceeds of sale, after deduction of the expenses chargeable against the goods, shall be placed at the disposal of the person entitled to dispose of the goods. If these charges exceed the proceeds of sale, the carrier shall be entitled to the difference.
5 . The procedure in the case of sale shall be determined by the law or custom of the place where the goods are situated.
Chapter IV – Liability of the Carrier
Article 17
1 . The carrier shall be liable for the total or partial loss of the goods and for damage thereto occurring between the time when he takes over the goods and the time of delivery, as well as for any delay in delivery.
2 . The carrier shall, however, be relieved of liability if the loss, damage or delay was caused by the wrongful act or neglect of the claimant, by the instructions of the claimant given otherwise than as the result of a wrongful act or neglect on the part of the carrier, by inherent vice of the goods or through circumstances which the carrier could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent.
3 . The carrier shall not be relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition of the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage, or by reason of the wrongful act or neglect of the person from whom he may have hired the vehicle or of the agents or servants of the latter.
4 . Subject to article 18, paragraphs 2 to 5, the carrier shall be relieved of liability when the loss or damage arises from the special risks inherent in one more of the following circumstances:
(a) Use of open unsheeted vehicles, when their use has been expressly agreed and specified in the consignment note;
(b) The lack of, or defective condition of packing in the case of goods which, by their nature, are liable to wastage or to be damaged when not packed or when not properly packed;
(c) Handling, loading, stowage or unloading of the goods by the sender, the consignee or person acting on behalf of the sender or the consignee;
(d) The nature of certain kinds of goods which particularly exposes them to total or partial loss or to damage, especially through breakage, rust, decay, desiccation, leakage, normal wastage, or the action of moth or vermin;
(f) Insufficiency or inadequacy of marks or numbers on the packages;
(g) The carriage of livestock.
5 . Where under this article the carrier is not under any liability in respect some of the factors causing the loss, damage or delay, he shall only be liable the extent that those factors for which he is liable under this article have contributed to the loss, damage or delay.
Article 18
1 . The burden of proving that loss, damage or delay was due to one of the specified in article 17, paragraph 2, shall rest upon the carrier.
2 . When the carrier establishes that in the circumstances of the case, the loss damage could be attributed to one or more of the special risks referred to in article 17, paragraph 4, it shall be presumed that it was so caused. The claimant shall, however, be entitled to prove that the loss or damage was not, in fact, attributable either wholly or partly to one of these risks.
3 . This presumption shall not apply in the circumstances set out in article 17, paragraph 4 (a), if there has been an abnormal shortage, or a loss of any package.
4 . If the carriage is performed in vehicles specially equipped to protect the goods from the effects of heat, cold, variations in temperature or the humidity of the air, the carrier shall not be entitled to claim the benefit of article 17, paragraph 4 (d), unless he proves that all steps incumbent on him in the circumstances with respect to the choice, maintenance and use of such equipment were taken and that he complied with any special instructions issued to him.
5 . The carrier shall not be entitled to claim the benefit of article 17, paragraph 4 (f), unless he proves that all steps normally incumbent on him in the circumstances were taken and that he complied with any special instructions issued to him.
Article 19
Delay in delivery shall be said to occur when the goods have not been delivered within the agreed time-limit or when, failing an agreed time-limit, the actual duration of the carriage having regard to the circumstances of the case, and in particular, in the case of partial loads, the time required for making up a complete load in the normal way, exceeds the time it would be reasonable to allow a diligent carrier.
Article 20
1 . The fact that goods have not been delivered within thirty days following the expiry of the agreed time-limit, or, if there is no agreed time-limit, within sixty days from the time when the carrier took over the goods, shall be conclusive evidence of the loss of the goods, and the person entitled to make a claim may thereupon treat them as lost.
2 . The person so entitled may, on receipt of compensation for the missing goods, request in writing that he shall be notified immediately should the goods be recovered in the course of the year following the payment of compensation. He shall be given a written acknowledgement of such request.
3 . Within the thirty days following receipt of such notification, the person entitled as aforesaid may require the goods to be delivered to him against payment of the charges shown to be due on the consignment note and also against refund of the compensation he received less any charges included therein but without prejudice to any claims to compensation for delay in delivery under article 23 and where applicable, article 26.
4 . In the absence of the request mentioned in paragraph 2 or of any instructions given within the period of thirty days specified in paragraph 3, or if the goods are not recovered until more than one year after the payment of compensation , the carrier shall be entitled to deal with them in accordance with the law place where the goods are situated.
Article 21
Should the goods have been delivered to the consignee without collection of the “cash on delivery” charge which should have been collected by the carrier under terms of the contract of carriage, the carrier shall be liable to the sender for compensation not exceeding the amount of such charge without prejudice to his right of action against the consignee.
Article 22
1 . When the sender hands goods of a dangerous nature to the carrier, he shall inform the carrier of the exact nature of the danger and indicate if necessary, precautions to be taken. If this information has not been entered in the consignment note, the burden of proving, by some other means, that the carrier knew the exact nature of the danger constituted by the carriage of the said goods shall rest upon the sender or the consignee.
2 . Goods of a dangerous nature which, in the circumstance referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, the carrier did not know were dangerous, may, at any time or place, be unloaded, destroyed or rendered harmless by the carrier without compensation; further, the sender shall be liable for all expenses, loss or damage arising out of their handing over for carriage or of their carriage.
Article 23
1 . When, under the provisions of this Convention, a carrier is liable for compensation in respect of total or partial loss of goods, such compensation shall be calculated by reference to the value of the goods at the place and time at which they were accepted for carriage.
2 . The value of the goods shall be fixed according to the commodity exchange price or, if there is no such price, according to the current market price or, if there is no commodity exchange price or current market price, by reference to normal value of goods of the same kind and quality.
3 . Compensation shall not, however, exceed 8.33 units of account per kilogram of gross weight short.
4 . In addition, the carriage charges, Customs duties and other charges incurred in respect of the carriage of the goods shall be refunded in full in case of total loss and in proportion to the loss sustained in case of partial loss, but no further damage shall be payable.
5 . In the case of delay if the claimant proves that damage has resulted therefrom the carrier shall pay compensation for such damage not exceeding the carriage charges.
6 . Higher compensation may only be claimed where the value of the goods or a special interest in delivery has been declared in accordance with articles 24 and 26.
Article 24
The sender may, against payment of a surcharge to be agreed upon, declare in the consignment note a value for the goods exceeding the limit laid down in article 23, paragraph 3, and in that case the amount of the declared value shall be substituted for that limit.
Article 25
1 . In case of damage, the carrier shall be liable for the amount by which the goods have diminished in value, calculated by reference to the value of the goods fixed in accordance with article 23, paragraphs 1, 2 and 4.
2 . The compensation may not, however, exceed:
(a) If the whole consignment has been damaged, the amount payable in the case of total loss;
(b) If part only of the consignment has been damaged, the amount payable in the case of loss of the part affected.
Article 26
1 . The sender may, against payment of a surcharge to be agreed upon, fix the amount of a special interest in delivery in the case of loss or damage or of the agreed time-limit being exceeded, by entering such amount in the consignment note.
2 . If a declaration of a special interest in delivery has been made, compensation for the additional loss or damage proved may be claimed, up to the total amount of the interest declared, independently of the compensation provided for in articles 23, 24 and 25.
Article 27
1 . The claimant shall be entitled to claim interest on compensation payable. Such interest, calculated at five per centum per annum, shall accrue from the date on which the claim was sent in writing to the carrier or, if no such claim has been made, from the date on which legal proceedings were instituted.
2 . When the amounts on which the calculation of the compensation is based are not expressed in the currency of the country in which payment is claimed, conversion shall be at the rate of exchange applicable on the day and at the place of payment of compensation.
Article 28
1 . In cases where, under the law applicable, loss, damage or delay arising out of carriage under this Convention gives rise to an extra-contractual claim, the carrier may avail himself of the provisions of this Convention which exclude his liability of which fix or limit the compensation due.
2 . In cases where the extra-contractual liability for loss, damage or delay of one of the persons for whom the carrier is responsible under the terms of article 3 is in issue, such person may also avail himself of the provisions of this Convention which exclude the liability of the carrier or which fix or limit the compensation due.
Article 29
1 . The carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of this chapter which exclude or limit his liability or which shift the burden of proof if the damage was caused by his wilful misconduct or by such default on his part as, in accordance with the law of the court or tribunal seised of the case, is considered as equivalent to wilful misconduct.
2 . The same provision shall apply if the wilful misconduct or default is committed by the agents or servants of the carrier or by any other persons of whose services he makes use for the performance of the carriage, when such agents, servants or other persons are acting within the scope of their employment. Furthermore, in such a case such agents, servants or other persons shall not be entitled to avail themselves, with regard to their personal liability, of the provisions of this chapter referred to in paragraph 1.
Chapter V – Claims and Actions
Article 30
1 . If the consignee takes delivery of the goods without duly checking their condition with the carrier or without sending him reservations giving a general indication of the loss or damage, not later than the time of delivery in the case of apparent loss or damage and within seven days of delivery, Sundays and public holidays excepted, in the case of loss or damage which is not apparent, the fact of this taking delivery shall be prima facie, evidence that he has received the goods in the condition described in the consignment note. In the case of loss or damage which is not apparent the reservations referred to shall be made in writing.
2 . When the condition of the goods has been duly checked by the consignee and the carrier, evidence contradicting the result of this checking shall only be admissible in the case of loss or damage which is not apparent and provided that the consignee has duly sent reservations in writing to the carrier within seven days, Sundays and public holidays excepted, from the date of checking.
3 . No compensation shall be payable for delay in delivery unless a reservation has been sent in writing to the carrier, within twenty-one days from the time that the goods were placed at the disposal of the consignee.
4 . In calculating the time-limits provided for in this article the date of delivery, or the date of checking, or the date when the goods were placed at the disposal of the consignee, as the case may be, shall not be included.
5 . The carrier and the consignee shall give each other every reasonable facility for making the requisite investigations and checks.
Article 31
1 . In legal proceedings arising out of carriage under this Convention, the plaintiff may bring an action in any court or tribunal of a contracting country designated by agreement between the parties and, in addition, in the courts or tribunals of a country within whose territory:
(a) The defendant is ordinarily resident, or has his principal place of business, or the branch or agency through which the contract of carriage was made, or (b) The place where the goods were taken over by the carrier or the place designated for delivery is situated. 2. Where in respect of a claim referred to in paragraph 1 of this article an action is pending before a court or tribunal competent under that paragraph, or where in respect of such a claim a judgement has been entered by such a court or tribunal no new action shall be started between the same parties on the same grounds unless the judgement of the court or tribunal before which the first action was brought is not enforceable in the country in which the fresh proceedings are brought.
3 . When a judgement entered by a court or tribunal of a contracting country in any such action as is referred to in paragraph 1 of this article has become enforceable in that country, it shall also become enforceable in each of the other contracting States, as soon as the formalities required in the country concerned have been complied with. These formalities shall not permit the merits of the case to be re-opened
4 . The provisions of paragraph 3 of this article shall apply to judgements after trial, judgements by default and settlements confirmed by an order of the court, but shall not apply to interim judgements or to awards of damages, in addition to costs against a plaintiff who wholly or partly fails in his action.
5 . Security for costs shall not be required in proceedings arising out of carriage under this Convention from nationals of contracting countries resident or having their place of business in one of those countries.
Article 32
1 . The period of limitation for an action arising out of carriage under this Convention shall be one year. Nevertheless, in the case of wilful misconduct, or such default as in accordance with the law of the court or tribunal seised of the case, is considered as equivalent to wilful misconduct, the period of limitation shall be three years. The period of limitation shall begin to run:
(a) In the case of partial loss, damage or delay in delivery, from the date of delivery;
(b) In the case of total loss, from the thirtieth day after the expiry of the agreed time-limit or where there is no agreed time-limit from the sixtieth day from the date on which the goods were taken over by the carrier;
(c) In all other cases, on the expiry of a period of three months after the making of the contract of carriage.
The day on which the period of limitation begins to run shall not be included in the period.
2 . A written claim shall suspend the period of limitation until such date as the carrier rejects the claim by notification in writing and returns the documents attached thereto. If a part of the claim is admitted the period of limitation shall start to run again only in respect of that part of the claim still in dispute. The burden of proof of the receipt of the claim, or of the reply and of the return of the documents, shall rest with the party relying upon these facts. The running of the period of limitation shall not be suspended by further claims having the same object.
3 . Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 above, the extension of the period of limitation shall be governed by the law of the court or tribunal seized of the case. That law shall also govern the fresh accrual of rights of action.
4 . A right of action which has become barred by lapse of time may not be exercised by way of counterclaim or set-off.
Article 33
The contract of carriage may contain a clause conferring competence on an arbitration tribunal if the clause conferring competence on the tribunal provides that the tribunal shall apply this Convention.
Chapter VI – Provisions Relating to Carriage Performed by Successive Carriers
Article 34
If carriage governed by a single contract is performed by successive road carriers, each of them shall be responsible for the performance of the whole operation, the second carrier and each succeeding carrier becoming a party to the contract of carriage, under the terms of the consignment note, by reason of his acceptance of the goods and the consignment note.
Article 35
1 . A carrier accepting the goods from a previous carrier shall give the latter a dated and signed receipt. He shall enter his name and address on the second copy of the consignment note. Where applicable, he shall enter on the second copy of the consignment note and on the receipt reservations of the kind provided for in article 8, paragraph 2.
2 . The provisions of article 9 shall apply to the relations between successive carriers .
Article 36
Except in the case of a counterclaim or a setoff raised in an action concerning a claim based on the same contract of carriage, legal proceedings in respect of liability for loss, damage or delay may only be brought against the first carrier, the last carrier or the carrier who was performing that portion of the carriage during which the event causing the loss, damage or delay occurred, an action may be brought at the same time against several of these carriers.
Article 37
A carrier who has paid compensation in compliance with the provisions of this Convention, shall be entitled to recover such compensation, together with interest thereon and all costs and expenses incurred by reason of the claim, from the other carriers who have taken part in the carriage, subject to the following provisions:
(a) The carrier responsible for the loss or damage shall be solely liable for the compensation whether paid by himself or by another carrier;
(b) When the loss or damage has been caused by the action of two or more carriers, each of them shall pay an amount proportionate to his share of liability; should it be impossible to apportion the liability, each carrier shall be liable in proportion to the share of the payment for the carriage which is due to him;
(c) If it cannot be ascertained to which carriers liability is attributable for the loss or damage, the amount of the compensation shall be apportioned between all the carriers as laid down in (b) above.
Article 38
If one of the carriers is insolvent, the share of the compensation due from him and unpaid by him shall be divided among the other carriers in proportion to the share of the payment for the carriage due to them.
Article 39
1 . No carrier against whom a claim is made under articles 37 and 38 shall be entitled to dispute the validity of the payment made by the carrier making the claim if the amount of the compensation was determined by judicial authority after the first mentioned carrier had been given due notice of the proceedings and afforded an opportunity of entering an appearance.
2 . A carrier wishing to take proceedings to enforce his right of recovery may make his claim before the competent court or tribunal of the country in which one of the carriers concerned is ordinarily resident, or has his principal place of business or the branch or agency through which the contract of carriage was made. All the carriers concerned may be made defendants in the same action.
3 . The provisions of article 31, paragraphs 3 and 4, shall apply to judgements entered in the proceedings referred to in articles 37 and 38.
4 . The provisions of article 32 shall apply to claims between carriers. The period of limitation shall, however, begin to run either on the date of the final judicial decision fixing the amount of compensation payable under the provisions of this Convention, or, if there is no such judicial decision, from the actual date of payment.
Article 40
Carriers shall be free to agree among themselves on provisions other than those laid down in articles 37 and 38.
Chapter VII – Nullity of Stipulation to the Convention
Article 41
1 . Subject to the provisions of article 40, any stipulation which would directly or indirectly derogate from the provisions of this Convention shall be null and void. The nullity of such a stipulation shall not involve the nullity of the other provisions of the contract.
2 . In particular, a benefit of insurance in favour of the carrier or any other similar clause, or any clause shifting the burden of proof shall be null and void.
(Chapter VIII – Final Provisions are omitted).
Effective 1 September 2009
Sonecc Freight Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Carrier”) is not a common carrier and accepts goods for carriage only upon that condition and the Conditions set out below. No servant or agent of the Carrier is permitted to alter or vary these Conditions in any way unless expressly authorised in writing to do so by a Director, Principal, Partner or other authorised person. If any legislation is compulsorily applicable
to the Contract and any part of these Conditions is incompatible with such
legislation, such part shall, as regards the Contract, be overridden to that extent and no further.
1. Definitions
In these Conditions:
“Customer” means the person or company who contracts for the services of the Carrier including any other carrier who gives a Consignment to the Carrier for carriage.
“Contract” means the contract of carriage between the Customer and the
“Consignee” means the person or company to whom the Carrier contracts to deliver the Consignment.
“Consignment” means goods, whether a single item or in bulk or contained in one parcel, package or container, as the case may be, or any number of separate items, parcels, packages or containers sent at one time in one load by or for the Customer from one address to one address.
“Dangerous Goods” means those substances and articles the carriage of which is prohibited by the provisions of the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) as applied in the United Kingdom, or authorised only under the conditions prescribed in accordance therewith.
“In writing” includes, unless otherwise agreed, the transmission of information by electronic, optical or similar means of communication, including, but not limited to, facsimile, electronic mail or electronic data interchange (EDI), provided the information is readily accessible so as to be usable for subsequent reference.
“Trader” means the owner of the Consignment, any other person having an
interest therein and anyone acting on behalf of such owner or other person,
including, as the case may be, the Customer, sender and Consignee.
2. Parties and Sub-Contracting
(1) The Customer warrants that he is either the owner of the Consignment or is authorised by such owner to accept these Conditions on such owner’s behalf.
(2) The Carrier and any other carrier employed by the Carrier may employ the services of any other carrier for the purpose of fulfilling the Contract in whole or in part and the name of every other such carrier shall be provided to the Customer upon request.
(3) The Carrier contracts for itself and as agent of and trustee for its servants and agents and all other carriers referred to in (2) above and such other carriers’ servants and agents and every reference in these Conditions to “the Carrier” shall be deemed to include every other such carrier, servant and agent with the intention that they shall have the benefit of the Contract and collectively and together with the Carrier be under no greater liability to the Customer or any other party than is the Carrier hereunder.
(4) Notwithstanding Condition 2(3) the carriage of any Consignment by rail, sea, inland waterway or air is arranged by the Carrier as agent of the Customer and shall be subject to the Conditions of the rail, shipping, inland waterway or air carrier contracted to carry the Consignment. The Carrier shall be under no liability whatsoever to whomsoever and howsoever arising in respect of such carriage: Provided that where the Consignment is carried partly by road and partly by such other means of transport any loss, damage or delay shall be deemed to have occurred while the Consignment was being carried by road unless the contrary is proved by the Carrier.
3. Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods must be disclosed by the Customer and if the Carrier agrees to accept them for carriage they must be classified, packed, marked, labelled and documented in accordance with the statutory regulations for the carriage by road of the substance declared.
4. Loading and Unloading
(1) Unless the Carrier has agreed in writing to the contrary with the
(a) The Carrier shall not be under any obligation to provide any plant,
power or labour, other than that carried by the vehicle, required
for loading or unloading the Consignment.
(b) The Customer warrants that any plant, power or labour required for
loading or unloading the Consignment which is not carried by the vehicle will be provided by the Customer or on the Customer’s behalf.
(c) The Carrier shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Customer
for any damage whatsoever, howsoever caused, if the Carrier is instructed to load or unload any Consignment requiring plant, power or labour which, in breach of the warranty in (b) above, has not been provided by the Customer or on the Customer’s behalf.
(d) The Carrier shall not be required to provide service beyond the usual place of collection or delivery but if any such service is given by the Carrier it shall be at the sole risk of the Customer.
(2) The Customer shall indemnify the Carrier against all claims and demands whatsoever which could not have been made if such instructions as are referred to in (1)(c) of this Condition and such service as is referred to in (1)(d) of this Condition had not been given.
5. Signed Receipts
The Carrier shall, if so required, sign a document or electronic record prepared by the sender acknowledging the receipt of the Consignment but the burden of proving the condition of the Consignment and its nature, quantity or weight at the time of collection shall rest with the Customer.
6. Transit
(1) Transit shall commence when the Carrier takes possession of the Consignment whether at the point of collection or at the Carrier’s premises.
(2) Transit shall (unless otherwise previously determined) end when the Consignment is tendered at the usual place of delivery at the Consignee’s address within the customary cartage hours of the district:
Provided that:
(a) if no safe and adequate access or no adequate unloading facilities there exist then transit shall be deemed to end at the expiry of one clear day after notice in writing (or by telephone if so previously agreed in writing) of the arrival of the Consignment at the Carrier’s premises has been sent to the Consignee;
(b) when for any other reason whatsoever a Consignment cannot be delivered or when a Consignment is held by the Carrier ‘to await order’ or ‘to be kept till called for’ or upon any like instructions and such instructions are not given or the Consignment is not called for and removed within a reasonable time, then transit shall also be deemed to end.
7. Undelivered or Unclaimed Consignments
Where the Carrier is unable for any reason to deliver a Consignment to the Consignee or as he may order, or where by virtue of the proviso to Condition 6(2) hereof transit is deemed to be at an end, the Carrier may sell the Consignment and payment or tender of the proceeds after deduction of all proper charges and expenses in relation thereto and of all outstanding charges in relation to the carriage and storage of the Consignment shall (without prejudice to any claim or right which the Customer may have against the Carrier otherwise arising under these Conditions) discharge the Carrier from all liability in respect of such Consignment, its carriage and storage:
Provided that:
(1) the Carrier shall do what is reasonable to obtain the value of the Consignment; and
(2) the power of sale shall not be exercised where the name and address of the sender or of the Consignee is known unless the Carrier shall have done what is reasonable in the circumstances to give notice to the sender or, if the name and address of the sender is not known, to the Consignee that the Consignment will be sold unless within the time specified in such notice, being a reasonable time in the circumstances from the giving of such notice, the Consignment is taken away or instructions are given for its disposal.
8. Carrier’s Charges
(1) The Carrier’s charges shall be payable by the Customer without prejudice to the Carrier’s rights against the Consignee or any other person: Provided that when any Consignment is consigned ‘carriage forward’ the Customer shall not be required to pay such charges unless the Consignee fails to pay after a reasonable demand has been made by the Carrier for payment thereof.
(2) Charges shall be payable when due without reduction or deferment on account of any claim, counterclaim or set-off. If the Customer becomes insolvent or any sums owed by the Customer on any invoice or account with the Carrier become overdue for payment, any credit terms shall be cancelled with immediate effect and all invoices or accounts issued by the Carrier shall immediately be deemed due for payment and thereupon become payable. The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, as amended, shall apply to all sums due from the Customer.
9. Liability for Loss and Damage
(1) The Customer shall be deemed to have elected to accept the terms set out in (2) of this Condition unless, before the transit commences, the Customer has agreed in writing that the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or misdelivery of or damage to or in connection with the Consignment
howsoever or whensoever caused and whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act, omission, neglect, default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier, its servants, agents or subcontractors.
(2) Subject to these Conditions the Carrier shall be liable for:
(a) physical loss, mis-delivery of or damage to living creatures, bullion, money, securities, stamps, precious metals or precious stones comprising the Consignment only if:
(i) the Carrier has specifically agreed in writing to carry any such items; and
(ii) the Customer has agreed in writing to reimburse the Carrier in respect of all additional costs which result from the carriage of the said items; and
(iii) the loss, mis-delivery or damage is occasioned during transit and is proved to be due to the negligence of the Carrier, its servants, agents or sub-contractors;
(b) physical loss, mis-delivery of or damage to any other goods comprising the Consignment unless the same has arisen from, and the Carrier has used reasonable care to minimise the effects of:
(i) Act of God;
(ii) any consequences of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war or not), civil war, rebellion, insurrection, terrorist act, military or usurped power or confiscation, requisition, or destruction or damage by or under the order of any government or public or local authority;
(iii) seizure or forfeiture under legal process;
(iv) error, act, omission, mis-statement or misrepresentation by the Customer or other owner of the Consignment or by servants or agents of either of them;
(v) inherent liability to wastage in bulk or weight, faulty design, latent defect or inherent defect, vice or natural deterioration of the Consignment;
(vi) insufficient or improper packing;
(vii) insufficient or improper labelling or addressing;
(viii) riot, civil commotion, strike, lockout, general or partial stoppage or restraint of labour howsoever caused;
(ix) Consignee not taking or accepting delivery within a reasonable time after the Consignment has been tendered.
(3) The Carrier shall not in any circumstances be liable for loss or damage arising after transit is deemed to have ended within the meaning of Condition 6(2) hereof, whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act, omission, neglect, default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier, its servants, agents or sub-contractors.
10. Fraud
The Carrier shall not in any circumstances be liable in respect of a Consignment where there has been fraud on the part of the Customer or the owner, or the servants or agents of either, in respect of that Consignment, unless the fraud has been contributed to by the complicity of the Carrier or of any servant of the Carrier acting in the course of his employment.
11. Limitation of Liability
(1) Except as otherwise provided in these Conditions, the liability of the Carrier in respect of claims for physical loss, mis-delivery of or damage to goods comprising the Consignment, howsoever arising, shall in all circumstances be limited to the lesser of
(a) the value of the goods actually lost, mis-delivered or damaged; or
(b) the cost of repairing any damage or of reconditioning the goods; or
(c) a sum calculated at the rate of £1,300 Sterling per tonne on the gross weight of the goods actually lost, mis-delivered or damaged; and the value of the goods actually lost, mis-delivered or damaged shall be taken to be their invoice value if they have been sold and shall otherwise be taken to be the replacement cost thereof to the owner at the commencement of transit, and in all cases shall be taken to include any Customs and Excise duties or taxes payable in respect of those goods:
Provided that:
(i) in the case of loss, mis-delivery of or damage to a part of the Consignment the weight to be taken into consideration in determining the amount to which the Carrier’s liability is limited shall be only the gross weight of that part regardless of whether the loss, mis-delivery or damage affects the value of other parts of the Consignment;
(ii) nothing in this Condition shall limit the liability of the Carrier to less than the sum of £10;
(iii) the Carrier shall be entitled to proof of the weight and value of the whole of the Consignment and of any part thereof lost, misdelivered or damaged;
(iv) the Customer shall be entitled to give to the Carrier notice in writing to be delivered at least seven days prior to commencement of transit requiring that the £1,300 per tonne limit in 11 (1)(c) above be increased, but not so as to exceed the value of the Consignment, and in the event of such notice being given the Customer shall be required to agree with the Carrier an increase in the carriage charges in consideration of the increased limit, but if no such agreement can be reached the aforementioned £1,300 per tonne limit shall continue to apply.
(2) The liability of the Carrier in respect of claims for any other loss whatsoever (including indirect or consequential loss or damage and loss of market), and howsoever arising in connection with the Consignment, shall not exceed the amount of the carriage charges in respect of the Consignment or the amount of the claimant’s proved loss, whichever is the lesser, unless:
(a) at the time of entering into the Contract with the Carrier the Customer declares to the Carrier a special interest in delivery in the event of physical loss, mis-delivery or damage or of an agreed time limit being exceeded and agrees to pay a surcharge calculated on the amount of that interest, and
(b) at least 7 days prior to the commencement of transit the Customer has delivered to the Carrier confirmation in writing of the special interest, agreed time limit and amount of the interest.
12. Indemnity to the Carrier
The Customer shall indemnify the Carrier against:
(1) all liabilities and costs incurred by the Carrier (including but not limited to claims, demands, proceedings, fines, penalties, damages, expenses and loss of or damage to the carrying vehicle and to other goods carried) by reason of any error, omission, mis-statement or misrepresentation by the Customer or other owner of the Consignment or by any servant or agent of either of them, insufficient or improper packing, labelling or addressing of the Consignment or fraud as in Condition 10;
(2) all claims and demands whatsoever (including for the avoidance of doubt claims alleging negligence), by whomsoever made and howsoever arising (including but not limited to claims caused by or arising out of the carriage of Dangerous Goods and claims made upon the Carrier by H.M. Revenue and Customs in respect of dutiable goods consigned in bond) in excess of the liability of the Carrier under these Conditions in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever to, or in connection with, the Consignment whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act, omission, neglect, default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier, its servants, agents or sub-contractors.
13. Time Limits for Claims
(1) The Carrier shall not be liable for:
(a) damage to the whole or any part of the Consignment, or physical loss, mis-delivery or non-delivery of part of the Consignment unless advised thereof in writing within seven days, and the claim is made in writing within fourteen days, after the termination of transit;
(b) any other loss unless advised thereof in writing within twenty-eight days, and the claim is made in writing within forty-two days, after the commencement of transit.
Provided that if the Customer proves that,
(i) it was not reasonably possible for the Customer to advise the Carrier or make a claim in writing within the time limit applicable, and
(ii) such advice or claim was given or made within a reasonable time, the Carrier shall not have the benefit of the exclusion of liability afforded by this Condition.
(2) The Carrier shall in any event be discharged from all liability whatsoever and howsoever arising in respect of the Consignment unless suit is brought and notice in writing thereof given to the Carrier within one year of the date when transit commenced.
(3) In the computation of time where any period provided by these Conditions is seven days or less, Saturdays, Sundays and all statutory public holidays shall be excluded.
14. Lien
(1) The Carrier shall have:
(a) a particular lien on the Consignment, and
(b) a general lien against the Trader for sums unpaid on any invoice,
account or Contract whatsoever. If such lien, whether particular or general, is not satisfied within a reasonable time, the Carrier may sell the Consignment, or part thereof, as agent for the owner and apply the proceeds towards any sums unpaid and the expenses of the retention, insurance and sale of the Consignment and shall, upon accounting to the Customer for any balance remaining, be discharged from all liability whatsoever in respect of the Consignment. (2) The Carrier may exercise its lien on its own behalf or as agent for any assignee of its invoices at any time and at any place at its sole discretion whether or not sums have become payable in accordance with Condition 8(2) hereof and whether or not the contractual carriage has been completed and these conditions shall continue to apply during the period of exercise of such lien.
15. Unreasonable Detention
The Customer shall be liable to pay demurrage for unreasonable detention of any vehicle, trailer, container or other equipment at the Carrier’s current rates of demurrage but the rights of the Carrier against any other person in respect thereof shall remain unaffected.
16. Law and Jurisdiction
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Contract and any dispute arising thereunder shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts alone.
The RHA Conditions of Carriage 2009 result from a review of the RHA Conditions of Carriage 1998. They will take effect from 1st September 2009 and include amendments reflecting changes in the law and members’ experience in using the RHA Conditions of Carriage 1998. Other specialist group conditions are in the process of revision to take account of the new RHA Conditions of Carriage and will be re-issued over the coming months.
The use of the RHA Conditions by members is not compulsory but members are recommended to use them as they are designed to enable a reasonable contractual balance to be struck between the interests of members as carriers and those of their customers. Members should always seek professional advice before making or agreeing any variation in the conditions to meet special circumstances. The Conditions are the copyright of the RHA and may not be used by nonmembers. It is most important that members should arrange to have the printed forms stamped or overprinted with their details in the box provided at the top and with their membership number in the space provided as this will deter the use of the form by non-members. There have been instances in the past where nonmembers using the RHA Conditions have been prosecuted under the provisions of the Trades Descriptions Act.
A member who intends to trade under these Conditions, or any of the specialist group conditions, should take the following action:-
I. Refer the Conditions to his insurers or brokers and secure any necessary
adjustments to existing insurance covers.
2. Inform existing customers in writing, preferably by Recorded Delivery, of the intention to trade subject to the new Conditions saying for example: “Please note that as from the _ day of _ 2009 goods will be accepted for carriage only subject to the RHA Conditions of Carriage 2009 a copy of which is attached/available free on request”. If it is intended to use the specialist group conditions reference should instead be made to the relevant specialist conditions.
3. Inform existing sub-contractors in writing, preferably by Recorded Delivery, that as from the _ day of _ 2009 goods will be accepted for carriage and subcontracted only subject to the RHA Conditions of Carriage 2009. If it is intended to use the specialist group conditions reference should instead be made to the relevant specialist conditions.
4. Retain Recorded Delivery receipts or, if the above letters are not sent by
Recorded Delivery, maintain a permanent record of customers and subcontractors and the dates on which letters were dispatched.
5. Print or overprint at the foot of all letterheads, quotation forms, fax forms, emailed documents, confirmation forms and notes, Consignment Notes and invoices etc: “Goods are accepted for carriage (and sub-contracted) only subject to the RHA Conditions of Carriage 2009 a copy of which is available free on request.” If it is intended to use the specialist group conditions reference should instead be made to the relevant specialist conditions. If present letterheads, etc refer to the “current RHA Conditions of Carriage” this will probably suffice provided that all existing customers and sub-contractors have been informed in accordance with 2-4 above that you are now using the 2009 conditions.
6. Maintain a stock of the printed Conditions for issue to customers or subcontractors as and when requested.
7. Specifically mention that the Conditions will apply during any telephone call in which the terms of the contract are first agreed verbally, and confirm this immediately afterwards to the customer by fax, e-mail, letter, note or memo at the same time as any quotation. Clear, simple, contemporary, dated and timed documents provide better proof than later conflicting oral evidence of recollections of conversations.
The intention in revising the RHA family of Conditions has been to retain their familiar style, layout and content, wherever outside factors have not suggested changes, so that they retain their status as an industry standard. The principal amendments to the Conditions of Carriage are set out below:-
CONDITION 1: The definition of “Dangerous Goods” has been revised to take account of the application of the European Agreement Concerning the
International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) as domestic law. A definition of what constitutes “writing” has been introduced to take account of the use of e-mail and similar means of communication. A definition of “Trader” has been introduced for use with the revised lien clause.
CONDITION 2: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 3: The use of TREMCARDS in the carriage of dangerous goods has been phased out since 1st July 2009 in favour of documentary provisions based around the ADR Agreement. The revised Condition 3 takes this into account. A separate guidance note for members is in preparation. Members are again reminded of the statutory requirement for specialist knowledge, training and equipment before undertaking most dangerous goods haulage.
CONDITION 4: References to “special appliances” have been replaced by references to “plant power or labour” throughout to achieve greater consistency across the clauses.
CONDITION 5: The wording has been simplified in the interests of greater clarity
CONDITION 6: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 7: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 8: The opportunity has been taken to introduce a provision to cancel credit terms immediately if a customer becomes insolvent or fails to pay invoices when due. This is intended to work with the revised lien clause to improve the position of carriers when faced with defaulting customers. Any overdue accounts are made specifically subject to the benefit of the whole of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, as amended, in favour of the carrier. A separate guidance note for members on how to make best use of the Act if customers default is under preparation.
CONDITION 9: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 10: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 11: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 12: There are no substantive changes.
CONDITION 13: The working of the time period of one year within which legal proceedings must be brought against the carrier has been brought into line with some other conditions by requiring that written notice of any proceedings must be given within the one year period itself.
CONDITION 14: This Condition has been substantively revised for the first time since 1991 to reflect both the practical manner in which the exercise of liens has developed in recent years and the way in which courts have tended to validate a wider general lien for carriers when certain conditions have been met. The right of lien is potentially exercisable against a range of persons coming within the definition of “Trader” and the clauses have been re-written to widen and accelerate the potential circumstances in which a lien may be validly exercised at a time when carriers are facing increasing difficulties from defaulting customers. More detailed guidance is being separately developed for members on factors to take into account when seeking to exercise a lien. It should be emphasised that liens remain a contentious area of law and members should always seek clarification of their rights in specific circumstances from their legal advisers at the earliest opportunity to avoid possible later difficulties.
CONDITION 15: This now stipulates that demurrage will be due at the carrier’s current rate of demurrage for unreasonable detention of any vehicle, trailer, container or other equipment such as pallets. Carriers must establish their own individual scales for demurrage based on their actual operating costs as competition law prevents the RHA from making any recommendations in this area. However, it is intended to provide members with information from which they can construct a framework for setting demurrage charges based on their own real-time costs of vehicle operation.
CONDITION 16: The law and jurisdiction clause introduced in the 1998 Conditions has been slightly modified to take account of international practice. It now states that English law applies to the contract and any dispute arising under it and that proceedings should be brought only in the English courts. As under the previous Conditions, carriers in Scotland and Northern Ireland may wish to vary the Condition to apply a local law and jurisdiction and separate guidance will be available to members on how to do so.